Everything root canals should be
We get it. Nobody likes the idea of possibly needing a root canal. But here’s what our dentists want you to know:
If you have a really bad toothache caused by bacteria deep inside your tooth, root canal therapy is the best way to help you feel better quickly.
Root canals help save your natural teeth, avoiding extractions and other more complicated procedures.
We perform hundreds of root canal procedures every year. They’re a very common and very necessary treatment for many people.
Sandy has extensive post graduate education and experience in root canal treatments. She also accepts referrals for complex root canal treatments.
Collingham Dental Care takes great pride in its high-tech approach and amazing results.
Root Canal
Root canal treatment is needed when the pulp (nerve and blood vessel) of the tooth becomes infected due to tooth decay or injury. It is a highly skilled procedure in which the infected pulp (nerve & blood vessel) of the tooth is removed and the canal is filled with a permanent material in order to save the tooth.
Root canal treatment prevents the infection in the pulp from spreading beyond the root tip into the surrounding bone leading to an abscess and eventual tooth loss.
Dr Sandhya Rajagopal
"I firmly believe that through good communication and understanding of what your concerns and your options are, together we can reach a treatment decision that is
right for you."