Caring for our community during COVID
During this unusual and challenging time our commitment to your health and safety is paramount. We are working within the current national guidelines and would like to reassure you about the many safety measures in place to keep you safe.
As the guidelines change, we will update our safety practices in real time and reflect those here.
Please contact us with any questions and concerns prior to your visit. Thank you for your continued support.
Before Your Visit
We will get in touch with you before your appointment to ask some new screening questions that help us understand if you can be seen at this time.
You will be asked those same questions again when you arrive. If we are not able to see you, we will ask you to reschedule.
We will ask you to complete a medical history form and a dental history questionnaire if you are a new patient – before your appointment. This will usually be sent by e-form but can also be completed over the phone.
Appointment Times
We have staggered appointment times to minimise contact between patients. We would appreciate if you would try to arrive at your appointment time and not before to mimimise the amount of time in the waiting room.
Face Masks
We require a face mask to be worn in the practice before and after your treatment. If you do not have your own, we will be happy to provide you with one.
All of the team will be wearing appropriate PPE to ensure your safety.
Hand Hygiene
We will ask you to use the alcohol gel provided when entering the practice and when leaving any clinical areas.
Patient bathrooms are still available but please ask the reception team prior to use to ensure that we know that the facilities have been used and can be cleaned appropriately.
Your Clinical Experience
All of our clinical staff are wearing enhanced PPE including masks , face shields and visors. You may not be familiar with these measures but they are in place to keep everybody safe.
We are maintaining our usual very high cleaning standards between patients.
Clean Air
We have installed new state of the art Hepa filtration devices. This special filtration system captures aerosols, viruses, dust particles, pollen, volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), gases, mold, allergens, odors, and more for cleaner, safer air to breathe.
Contact Us
Over the phone or online

6 Hastings Court, Collingham,
LS22 5AW
© 2022 Collingham Dental Care